Thursday, August 26, 2010

Reflective Synopsis

The roles and responsibilities of teachers are becoming increasingly complex, with continuous changes and demands in curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. One element of these changes is the need to incorporate Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) into teaching and learning. The practice of using ICTs and embedding them into the “everyday” classroom is very challenging.

‘To accommodate change, teachers need first hand experiences working on specific innovative investigations and activities that they are attempting to use in their classrooms. These experiences, as both students and teachers, influence what teachers ultimately think and do.... It is through the act of reflecting on specific events that those centrally held beliefs can be affected in fundamental ways’. (Wilson and Cooney 2002, p. 142)

This synopsis will consider the pedagogies used to enhance the use of digital tools and transform student learning as well the pedagogy that could be used to help students learning’s . It will then reflect on a selection of digital tools such as Blogs, Wikis, PowerPoint and Podcasts. A wider range of tools is evident in the Writer’s Blog. (See appendix one)

The implementation of these digital tools within a suitable pedagogical framework allows for digital creativity and is critical for enabling students to meet their learning potential. The use of the Dimensions of Learning (DOL) (Marzano & Pickering, 1997) framework would be valuable when developing students’ knowledge and learning opportunities. Marzano & Pickering (1997) believe that “the most effective learning occurs when we use knowledge to perform meaningful tasks.” (Marzano & Pickering, 1997, p86 ) A learning framework such as DOL implies that when implementing these learning tools it will increase students’ knowledge and allow students to gauge tasks as significant to their learning. Overall, “as a comprehensive model of learning, Dimensions can have an impact on virtually every aspect of education” (Marzano & Pickering, 1997pg. 89).

The first digital tool to be explored is the Web Log (Blog). Within every classroom there are a variety of learners and learning needs, and Blogs are ideal for catering to all learners and styles. Blogs offer a range of possibilities for individual and collaborative work, and allow for students to build on their social networking skills in ways they may not have experienced before. The use of a blog within the classroom allows for visual, auditory, and interactive learning to occur. Blogs are an effective way for students to organise their knowledge and present their findings because they are an easy way to show information to the world. As stated in the writer’s Blog, Blogs help develop students’ social skills but also allow for learners to use blogging as a learning tool that will enhance their e-learning journey because students can interact with other people and develop a sense of digital literacy. The Australian Curriculum aims for students to possess “sustainable mastery of a set of capabilities in the use and production of traditional texts and new communications technologies using spoken language, print and multimedia” (Australian Curriculum Department of Education and Training 2010.). Constructivism is a learning theory which can be interwoven through the use of Blogs. Cennamo & Kalk (2005) believe that Blogs personalise the learning for each individual, as learners have the ability to personalise their own page and “blog” about information as they see fit. "Learners construct their own reality or at least interpret it based upon their perceptions of experiences, so an individual's knowledge is a function of one's prior experiences, mental structures, and beliefs that are used to interpret objects and events." (Duffy, T, Jonassen, D. 1991). This is evidence of participation in the Blogs where it was discussed about the use of the theory of behaviourism, where students learn through rote, and Constructivism. It can be seen that the use of this Blog which will facilitate higher order thinking and how teachers need to adopt a lifelong learning approach and by using this tool, will ensure that teachers are up to date with latest technologies by using the Blog. (See appendix one)

The second digital tool, Wikis, also relate to Constructivist learning theory as they allow for learners to construct their own learning journey. A Wiki, as stated in the Writer’s Blog, is an effective way in which students can interact, share information and ideas, edit each other’s work, and transform their own knowledge. These interactions lead to developing new understandings of social interactions and concepts through virtual conversations within a community of learners. Wikis can increase students’ knowledge and develop traits of higher order thinking, deep knowledge, substantive conversation, student control, social support and engagement of their learning (Department of Education and Training, 2004). When developing students’ understanding of social engagement, it is important to make sure that students have an understanding of netiquette. As stated in the Writer’s Blog, it is important that students who are using Wikis are taught how to use proper “Netiquette” to ensure they do not offend other users. This is an important tool for teaching students that the use of netiquette will enhance the way they use their Internet language because in real life circumstances it is important to get the right information across in the correct way. As this in evident through the research into wikis which will promote productive pedagogies (Department of Education and Training 2004) connectedness to the world and social support which a vital way in developing lifelong learners within the classroom setting.
“As is the case with blogs, wiki host sites provide templates that allow users to create a personal wiki in a matter of minutes. Depending on the wiki host site, it may be possible to individualize the template, but it is always possible to personalize the appearance of wiki pages by adding graphics and other online elements.” (Brooks-Young 2010, p. 69)

The next digital tool, PowerPoint, is useful within many classrooms and is a highly effective way to show information. In this digital age, the use of PowerPoint is an ideal way to engage students in the use of digital technology. The use of PowerPoint for consolidating and refining knowledge is a powerful tool because it allows main points to be emphasized through the use of pictures, sound and videos that are all contributing to visual learning. The use of PowerPoint is also highly effective for teachers because it allows the teacher to model lessons where students' participation can be increased through class debates. Also, stimulating visuals and audio increase students’ interest and enables the use of visual shows within the classroom. The use of PowerPoint allows students to present their knowledge to an audience through interactive ways that the audience can participate in, through the use of animations that enable the presenter to focus on the main points. Teachers can use PowerPoint to scaffold a process of learning with the students using visual demonstrations and create an understanding with the audience of the task through visual representations. Power points are great way in which to develop students skills of being digitally literate because as it is stated Essential Learnings (QSA, 2007) the use visual text can be used across the KLAs and develop students skills as they are expected to use tools and technologies (such as power points) and use then as a communication tool to create and communicate their information by the use of digital technologies.

The final digital tool within this synopsis is Videos and Podcasts. The use of visual representations within the classroom allows for all students to be active within the classroom because Inclusive Education “...reflects values, ethos and culture of a state education system committed to enhancing equitable educational opportunities and improved outcomes for all students, recognising role education can play in redressing social disadvantages and social injustice.’ (CRP-PR-009 Education Queensland, 2005). Videos and podcasts represent the new culture and new ways in which to engage students within the classroom. The resources available online for the ways that Podcasts and Videos can be used as an integral part of effective pedagogy in any unit of work are endless. Units of work can now be based around the use of students creating videos and students can now document their learning journey through the use of a video and upload it to create a vodcast .Vodcasts/Podcasts provide a new way in which students can be creative, and being able to make and direct their own videos, making these digital tools fun and engaging. These digital tools can be applied to any learning experience. For example this can be seen in the writer’s blog in which they discussed the use of a Vodcast as a highly effective tool to which teachers can use this tool to build a new understanding for students as they learner video can be designed for making images attractive and text that moves in way to engage the students and their learning styles which relates to the fundamental ways in which people take-in information. Visual learners learn predominantly with their eyes. They prefer to see how to do things rather than just talk about them and the use of a video will promote these students higher order think because it show in different way the information students need to know to learn.

In conclusion, Blogs, Wikis, PowerPoint and Podcasts are valuable digital tools for developing students’ learning and preparing them for the future as digitally literate citizens. As it can be seen through the synopsis the use of these ICTs will facilitate higher order thinking and aid teachers in developing lifelong learning approach into their classroom with the ICTs to ensure students develop these skills. As a result of using many of these ICT’s students will develop an important skill and that was mentioned safe use of ICTs such as “Netiquette” so students will be able to use this skill in a real life context. The incorporation of the digital tools in teaching and learning through a pedagogical framework such as DOL (Marzano & Pickering, 1997), scaffolds learning experiences to enable students to building their knowledge and understanding and ways of working in the online world. In addition to developing my own understandings of teaching these tools within pedagogical frameworks, engaging with a range of digital tools has provided the Writer with many new ways to meet individual learning needs, develop students' higher order thinking skills, as well as enabling students to be creative learners within the classroom.

Brooks-Young, S. (2010). Teaching with the tools kids really use. United States of America: Corwin

Clive beck (1993). Postmodernism, pedagogy, and philosophy of education, Ontario institute for studies in education

Commonwealth of Australia. (2009). Shape of the australian curriculum: English. Barton, ACT: Author.

Duffy, T. and Jonassen, D. 1991, Constructivism: New implications for instructional technology? Educational Technology. 31, 7-12

Department of Education and Training (2004) The New Basics Project productive pedagogies The State of Queensland .

Education Queensland. (2005). Inclusive education statement. Retrieved March 20, 2010,from 2005.pdf

Frangenheim, E. (1998). Reflections on classroom thinking strategies. Loganholme: Rodin Educational Consultancy.

Marzano, R. J., & Pickering, D. J. (1997). Dimensions of learning. Alexandra, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Vygotsky, L.S. (1962). Thought and Language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

William A.Ward 2008 Gale, Cengage Learning retrieved from

Wilson, S., & Cooney, T. (2002). Mathematics teacher change and development. In G. Leder, E. Pehkonen & G. Torner (Eds.), Beliefs: A hidden variable in mathematics education? (pp. 127-147). Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Appendix one

Comment one Bryce’s MEL
Thank all for your comments on this blogs. As this blog stated there are a number of different method within teaching and that is why education is such a wonderfully diverse lifestyle. I agree with many of your comments and think that they all have the ability to be used within every class room. And through the use of my teaching ability I will follow my simple philosophy "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."(W.Ward)

Comment Two Doug managing e-learning.
I like the idea of using podcasts. They are an effective way of allowing students to contact and talk with other students from around the world. And I also allows from students to create and make podcast because as a result of using many of these podcast and creating podcasts students will develop an important skill that students can use in a real life context.

Comment Three Bryce’s MEL
Thanks for the comments. I agree that creating a blog and learning how to work it can be difficult but doable. A blog (web log) is a much easier tool to setup and work successful in my classroom then some other tools I have found through the work I have done this course .But I have also found a blog that I created with some of my students that I have worked with (I work with special need students) that they find a fun way to create something that is theirs to keep and show their parents as well. Plus it a great visual tool to use to help students to learn visually (if you are so lucky to have the right equipment).
Comments made by others about my blog
jared_thomsen said...
Bryce, I strongly agree with your statement that teachers and learning managers alike are implementing numerous theories and frameworks within their learning experiences on a day to day basis.

Having spoken with quite a few in-service teachers it has been clearly seen that, although they may not realise it, they are fostering frameworks such as Marzano and Pickering's Dimensions of Learning in their teaching styles.

We as current students of learning management are very lucky to be exposed to so many strategies and frameworks which can be used as foundations for developing excellent learning experiences. Teachers who were teaching 10 or more years ago we not as lucky as these teaching and learning theories and models were not so readily available and in turn they have not received the comprehensive understandings and explanations as we have.
August 25, 2010 4:58 PM
Mick said...
I would have to agree with Bryce and Doug to a certain extent about blogs being hard to set up. But I believe because of this day and age students in upper primary through to grade 12 are very computer literate and will have no trouble setting up a blog, even if they had to work it out for themselves.
August 22, 2010 6:21 PM

Anna said...
I agree Bryce creating a blog and learning how to work it can be difficult, though I think that it would not be a problem in a classroom environment where learners can get technical support from their teacher. I think the use of a blog in the classroom is great. It allows learners to reflect on what they have done and where they need to go, while communicating with other learners on different blogs. It allows teachers to keep track of where their learners are up to. In saying this I also am also slightly reluctant to use blogs in the classroom due to safety issues with learners being online and where others could obtain access to their personal information. Though I this could be overcome with strict guidelines for the learners to follow.
August 25, 2010 10:54 PM

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Super blog ( wiki, powerpoints, frameworks ,etc)

Framework analysis
There is a variety of learning design frameworks that we as teacher have used within the classroom every day. Most frameworks differ in many ways and have different approaches to teaching and learning, and the way that learning experiences is conducted within the classroom. The second assessment task is to use a learning design framework to build a unit of work around a framework. The framework I will be analysing is the dimensions of learning framework “As a comprehensive model of learning, Dimensions can have an impact on virtually every aspect of education”( Marzano, R. J., & Pickering, D. J. 1997). This will be done the through an S.W.O.T analyse.
• It is a highly practical framework.
• Easily accessible topic
• Reads well.
• Have had 3 years of experience using the framework.
• It define the learning process
• It examples of its learning outcomes.
• A strong criteria
• Allows for social interactions to take place.
• Is age appropriate?
• Have many steps to follow.
• Can be misinterpreted.
• Students may not understand the language being used.
• Could be used for a long period of time.
• Could be outdated.

The incorporation of learning activities into this frame work is endless. The learning activities can range from acquiring new concepts such as brain storming activities such as concept maps and beyond. Within this framework students can work with a numbers of ICT’s activities. ICT’s play a key role within the modern classroom environment and the use can help students meet al learning outcomes. The use of blogs, wikis creating web pages and web quests are all learning activities that can be incorporated into this learning design.” The most effective learning occurs when we use knowledge to perform meaningful tasks.”(Marzano, R. J., & Pickering, D. J. 1997). And by the use of ICTS in the classroom students can see that the learning activities are meaningful and assessment can be authentic for their learning

Marzano, R. J., & Pickering, D. J. (1997). Dimensions of learning. Alexandra, VA : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Definition of a wiki.
After experiencing a wiki website, as a professional, I found that wiki is a website that allows the creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages which a person creates and any person can edit.
The difference between a blog and wiki.
A wiki is different to a blog in many difference aspects between the two, with implications for learning design and functionality. A blog is information source at a person uploads with only the owner of the blog is the only person to edit and tamper with that information. A wiki is a website in which a person can edit a person blog and temper with their information. A blog is a much simpler ICT to use within the classroom as I found that trying to manoeuvre my way through the wiki website, one of the most difficult ICT item, as a professional, that I have ever used. Using the wiki in the context of the classroom I simply wound not because it would be highly complex for students not to mention that is a way in students cyber bulling can take place as well as students tampering with other student’s information and students receiving the wrong information.

Web sites
In the second blog entree of the week we were asked to create a web site on Weebly. Within the classroom the creation of websites are being used more often and it is allowing students a chance to create something that is theirs’ to keep. Personally, I think that websites are a great way for student to do research around the web and allows students to see how web pages are created. In the new

digital literate age and the increasing use of technologies within the classroom students are more likely to use web sites like Weebly in the later education. Students can also use websites to complete learning activities within the classroom and are a fun way for students to learn.

Power points
You can put PowerPoint to in your classroom. The purpose of using PowerPoint is a way for students to show information. A power point is a visual way of representing information for students to show pictures, information and data within the classroom setting. A power point is a highly effective way to represent information and is vital part of the e-learning journey. Within most classroom students have used PowerPoint and it is very easy for students to use within most classrooms. Most Power Points provides an interactive classroom for all students to learn and be involved within all presentations. Power points engage an audience within the topic by visually allowing the audience to be involved within the presentation. As a teaching professional I will allows be in support of power point within the classroom as they provide visual learning and allows teachers and students to present their knowledge to the class in a simple yet meaningful way.
Images Online

Google images retrieved July 28th 2010 from
Google images
The use of using images online can be successful so that students can create a visual story or a cartoon using pictures from the net is a highly effective way of student developing an e-learning journey. There are a number of activates that a teacher could use online images for (e.g. my own picture that is a joke to show ways of settling differences). An example teachers could use in class through the use of online images is images from the news and how this picture relates to the student and asking the student how and why this picture was taken.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Get a Voki now!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Get a Voki now!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Functionality of a blog

Functionality of a blog

Blogs to me are a modern form of a diary entree. They are a highly functionally way in which to upload information or thoughts about events. The use of blogs in the classroom is valuable to educators because it not only allows for students to become more computer literate but it also allows for students to practise their grammar and spelling skills on the World Wide Web.

However there are some aspects of blogging that may be difficult within the classroom environment. As we found out, in class, setting up an account in which students can blog is rather difficult. If students are not confident in their abilities with internet use students will struggle understanding remembering their passwords and user names.